Website Updated November 21, 2005

I have finally updated the website.  If any one has any thing they would like me to put on the website such as more pictures, or announcements, just send me an e-mail.

Yard Charge

Thank you to the 19 adults and scouts from Troop 367 and the 19 Cubs and adults from Pack 161 who participated in this year’s Yard Charge.  The Yard Charge was a huge success.

The executives from Greater Cleveland Council have also been discussing doing a Yard Charge in the various home towns rather than only in Cleveland.  They are still discussing it and will let us know later in the year.  That would mean we would do yards in the Euclid area next year.

Christmas Campout

The permission slips for the Christmas campout are going out today.  Remember only those who have participated in a set number of activities this year are being invited to the campout.  The cost is a little more than we usually pay for a campout but it is well worth it.  There will be a full course turkey dinner, games, prizes and loads of fun for all. Please let your son/sons participate if they receive an invitation.  It’s truly the best campout of the year.

Tinnerman Openings

There are still openings on both crews for the Tinnerman trip.


Contact the webmaster at Any suggestions for the website are welcome.

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